2015: Selected for scholarship by the Grew Bancroft Foundation and Ezoe Memorial Recruit Foundation, and started attending Mount Holyoke College as a scholarship student
2016: Named a Sarah Williston Scholar for having the highest grades in the class, and joined the Honor Club of the American Physics Society and Sigma Pi Sigma upon recommendation
2017: After being involved in the creation of the MATHUSLA elementary particle detector at CERN, contributed a serialized article on the research to U22 Nikkei Style
2018: Involved in updating the ATLAS detector at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and involved in research for developing a fish finder at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
2019: Graduated Mount Holyoke College with an award for excellence
2019: Reselected as a scholarship student by the Ezoe Memorial Recruit Foundation
2019: Received the Outstanding Learning Assistant Award from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) for coming top in the physics department
2019: Received award for outstanding thesis at graduation, and selected as the student with the highest grades in the class
2019: Continuing research on neutrinos at Harvard University