Yuna Otsuki

Yuna Otsuki

2020 EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade 1、Ambassador of Canada Award
2022 Selected for Chiba University Global Science Campus ASCENT Program
2022 Selected as University of Tokyo RCAST Youth Academy High School Researcher
2023 Stanford e-Entrepreneurship Award of Honor
2023 The 268th Kanto Koushin-etsu Regional Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society Middle/High School Award Most Outstanding Award

I am currently conducting research to develop an effective production method of hydrogen gas via the reaction of water and an aluminum-gallium composite. With the knowledge gained from my research, I am also taking part in creating several policy proposals.
My goal is to promote renewable energy by bridging the gap between science and policy. I hope to find a method to reuse commonly found resources as an energy source and reflect it in our policies.