2014: Identified as a gifted student by the Toronto District School Board and have been enrolled in the Gifted program
2018: Awarded the Cyber Agent prize at Tech Kids Grand Prix for creation of an original Japanese-based programming language, “Unchiku”
2019: Awarded a silver medal at the Toronto Science Fair for project on “Linear Motor Train using MicroPython”
2020: Awarded a regional award at the Youth Science Canada Online STEM Fair for project on “Transference”
2021: Awarded a bronze medal at the Canada-Wide Science Fair for project on “The Properties of Face Masks”
2021: Awarded a bronze medal at the Toronto Science Fair for project on “Transference” and a gold medal for project on “The Properties of Face Masks”
2021: Awarded Japan Science and Technology Agency Chair’s Award for “Development of a Parallel-native Programming Language”
2022: Awarded a bronze medal at the Canada-Wide Science Fair for project on “Kyokukey: Wearable Input Device Using Conductive Threads”
2022: Presented “Yarnkey: A Thigh-worn Wearable Input Device for 2D Alphabetic Patterns using Conductive-threads-based Touch Sensing” at DICOMO 2022
2022: Presented “Design and Implementation of a Parallel-native Programming Language” at Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing (SWoPP 2022)
2022: Poster of Yarnkey and “Design and Implementation of a Parallel-native Programming Language” at World Conference on Computers in Education 2022
2023: Champion at CyberTitan VI (national cybersecurity competition for middle and high school students)
2023: Gold prize at the IEEE SSCS Arduino Contest, High School Division
2023: Accepted to develop “HATO” project at Mitou Junior and certified as a Mitou Junior Supercreator
2024: Admitted into Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing

I am interested in how things work, and using computer science and engineering to prototype and evaluate my ideas as quickly as possible. In particular, I am interested in connecting humans and computers together. Although I am still looking in many areas, currently, I am highly interested in HCI and programming language theory.