2019: EIKEN Grade 1 special award
2019: Gave a presentation entitled “A Formula for the Number of Super Twin Primes and the Takahashi Conditions” at the 17th Japan Fibonacci Association Research Conference
2020: Gave a presentation entitled “Quasi-Mersenne primes and super-perfect numbers NEO” at the Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting 2020
2020: Gave a presentation entitled “On Euler Super-perfect Numbers” at the 18th Japan Fibonacci Association Research Conference
2021: Pass Practical Mathematics Proficiency Test first level
2022: Gave a presentation entitled “Ultra perfect numbers of twin primes type” at the Mathematical Society of Japan 2022 Annual Meeting
2022: Placed first in the RoboCup Asia-Pacific 2022 RCJ Rescue Simulation Primary age group
2023: Placed first in the RoboCup Junior Japan Open 2023 Nagoya [World League] Rescue Simulation
2023: Placed 5th in the RoboCup 2023 Bordeaux Rescue Simulation (Webots-Erebus)
2024: 6th Informatics Research Contest for Junior and Senior High School Students Best Award/Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award

I have been really interested in mathematics since I read the book “Mathematics 1001” when I was 6 years old. My current goal in mathematics is to discover a fundamental theory which enables us to understand the structure of the Euler’s totient function.