2018 Tech Kids Grand Prix, finalist, the Google Play Award
2019 Tech Kids Grand Prix, finalist, the Cygames Award
2020 Tech Kids Grand Prix 3rd place
2020 Shinsyu Future Apps Contest 0(ZERO)Nagano Prefecture Governor’s Award
2020 Unity inter-high contest 2020 bronze award
2021 Tech Kids Grand Prix, finalist, the Unity Award
2023 Participated in the University of Tokyo’s Junior Doctor Development Program

Research papers on mathematics
★”On the Popularization of Perfect Numbers” (joint research with Gakushuin University Professor Emeritus Shigeru Iitaka)
 ・2022 Gave a presentation at the Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting 2022 at Hokkaido University
 ・Published in the February, March, and May 2023 issues of the monthly publication Modern Mathematics (Gendai-Sugakusha)
★”On σ(n)+φ(n)-2n” (independently authored)
 ・2022 Gave a presentation at the 20th Japan Fibonacci Association Research Conference
★”σ² Perfect Numbers and the φ² Perfect Number” (independently authored)
 ・Published in Let’s Start Researching Mathematics (VIII)—An Introduction to Perfect Numbers, Starting from 0: Perfect Numbers for a New Generation (Gendai-Sugakusha)

I have developed game apps on mathematical and scientific topics including prime numbers, fractals, gravity, and group theory since elementary school. Recently, I conduct research o n number theory (particularly perfect numbers) but am also interested in topics such as quantum circuit design.