Aaryan Harshith

2020-2022 Built a handheld surgical device that uses light to detect cancer cells. Raised 5K CAD in research funding and successfully tested a prototype at Carleton University.
2022 Was one of 18 high-schoolers across North America invited to the headquarters of X (formerly Google[X]) to come up with a new technology project. Built non-invasive biosensors in collaboration with four other students.
2023 Admitted to Stanford University’s Class of 2027. Planning to study biomechanical engineering.
2023 Received a Silver medal at the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) for cancer detection project

Hello! I’m a grade twelve student from Canada, and I’m fascinated by the intersection between hardware and biology. Currently, I spend my time engineering devices and tools that address global problems, with a focus in medical devices and oncology. These days, I’m focusing on building and testing a surgical device that uses light to help surgeons better remove cancer cells in tumor removal operations.

In the near future, I’ll be attending Stanford University, most likely to study biomechanical engineering. Beyond that, I plan to continue inventing and prototyping new ideas as a serial inventor. It’s a pleasure to be a part of this community!
My major interest is aeronautics for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). I believe there is still room for hardware improvement in UAVs, despite the industry’s excessive focus on software. I am honored and humble to be a part of this innovative community, and am determined to expand the front line of UAV applications for the better.