Aneka Mulgund

Aneka Mulgund

2016 Identified as gifted by Ontario Ministry of Education, Specific Academic Ability in the 99th percentile
2020-2022 Participated in The Knowledge Society Innovate and Activate program
2021 Spoke at a global Reuters conference alongside world leaders to share novel idea
2022 Research paper published in an Elsevier journal
2022 Top 4 Finalist in Shell Challenge
2022 Won “Best Overall” for presentation and idea in Earthshot challenge, organized by The Knowledge Society
2022 Nominated as a Villars Institute Fellow

Decarbonizing the electrical grid is the most powerful route we can take to lower emissions, especially using batteries that can store energy for 8+ hours, like flow batteries. However, materials are central to the challenge of lowering their cost and improving performance. I am applying a machine learning model to accelerate the design and understanding of the ion-exchange membrane, a critical flow battery component. Specifically, I am developing a database and method to demystify what factors lead to favorable mechanical properties in the membrane. Through the Masason Foundation, I hope to make this project tangible by testing my model’s results in a lab. Additionally, I’d like to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects with peers so as to develop a strong knowledge base that will eventually empower me to build a startup, similarly solving climate-related problems.