Gitanjali Rao

Gitanjali Rao

2017 America’s Top Young Scientist – 3M and Discovery Education
2018 U.S. President’s Environmental Youth Award
2019 Forbes 30 Under 30 – Science
2020 TIME Kid of the Year, Featured in TIME Magazine
2021 Appointed as UNICEF Global Youth Advocate
2022 Muhammed Ali Humanitarian Award

I aim to bridge the fields of Biogenetics and Product Development, fostering an interdisciplinary approach to create innovative solutions. My ultimate objective is to develop affordable, high-quality consumer products. Moreover, I am determined to integrate innovation and problem-solving into the K-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade) education system, influencing educational policies through public administration.

The Foundation presents a unique opportunity for me to advance in my career, offering valuable support and resources to pursue my ambitious goals. My vision is to establish an innovation movement in early education, empowering enthusiastic students to solve local challenges. By collaborating with the Foundation, I am confident that I can make my dream of a global K-12 innovation curriculum a reality. The Foundation’s mission of expanding beyond Japan is particularly inspiring, and I see potential for partnership and contribution towards reaching youth worldwide while engaging in collaborative research.