Karthik Mittal

Karthik Mittal

2020 Wrote a bioinformatics paper: identifying biological pathways causative for breast cancer using machine learning
2020 Awarded AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification
2020 Founded students x students, a writing platform focused on empowering youth voices through technology
2021 Co-founded Neuralyte (building extracurricular recommendation app and an machine learning translation device)
2021 Wrote a mathematics paper: determining the smallest path size of multiplication transducers without a restricted digit set
2021 Worked alongside UN Women in scaling their digital platforms to Cambodian youth
2021 Worked with Twitter for Good to analyze San Francisco homeless population data
2021 Interned at bioinformatics startup, Ocean Genomics, improving RNA analysis
2022 Began advising the computational biology division for the The Knowledge Society iGEM team
2022 Worked alongside Shell in improving their corrosion efficacy platform

I’m an innovator with a mission to disrupt the biomedical industry using cloud, AI, and machine learning technologies and build products and services through my company, Neuralyte. My goal is to influence social change and develop accessible solutions to pressing issues the world faces using emerging technologies. My current interests lie in machine learning and bioinformatics.

I’m currently developing a tool for developing synthetic riboswitches inside of fermentative bacteria to accelerate biofuel production and lower carbon emissions. I’m seeking lab funding and mentorship to pursue my passion project at Carnegie Mellon over the next year. I have also conducted research in determining genetic variations that are significant to the formation of breast cancer and identifying relevant risk factors for COVID-19.