Kent Nakai

Kent Nakai

2017 Appeared as a 4th grader in the junior and senior high division of UK Junior Mathematical Challenge Silver
2018 and 2019 Took part in World Robot Olympiad world contest
2019 Certified as AI Robot Innovator by Junior Chamber International Japan
2019 Appointed JCI(Junior Chamber International) Japan United Nations Youth Ambassador and took part in World SDGs Tour
2020 Chosen for research grant in the environmental field by the Prometheus Foundation
2021 Participated in RoboCupJunior Asia-Pacific competition
2021 Received Social Problem-Solving Challenge Grant by Prometheus Foundation
2023 RoboCupJunior USA Rescue Line 1st Place

My dream is to build an agricultural robot that can farm in space. To achieve this goal, I have been improving my skills by participating in domestic and international robotics competitions. I want to continue improving my engineering and agriculture knowledge by using my strengths in mathematics, programming, and robotics skills.