Maggie Li

Maggie Li

2020 Research on accelerating Variational Quantum Eigensolver calculations with quantum natural gradients, published in Xanadu’s Pennylane blog
2020 Research assistant, Bank of Canada’s Quantum Lab for Advanced Analytics
2020 and 2021 Growth & marketing at, a venture and innovation advisory firm
2021 and 2022 Aging x computational biology research at Cellular Longevity, dba Loyal
2022 Organ on a chip microfluidics research at Wrana Lab, Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute
2023 Optoelectronic tweezers and hydrogels for single cell manipulation, research at Wheeler Lab, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto. Recieved Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Undergraduate Student Research Awards
2023 Cerebrovascular aging research with UK BioBank

My ultimate goal as a member of the Masason Foundation is to improve our understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of human health.

I’m interested in regenerative medicine, biophysics, and aging biology. Currently, I’m diving into the applications of engineering/physics in biology—I’m curious about how we can build better mechanistic models to understand and engineer biological systems. Beyond science, I care deeply about healthcare and education accessibility, as well as how we can improve individual/population health outcomes. You can visit my personal website for more: