– Won 2nd place at the Massachusetts Science and Engineering fair (MSEF) for a project involving predicting the likelihood of bacterial mutations that confer resistance.
– Interned with Cellarity, a Flagship Pioneering company in Boston that designs small molecules that can target cell behaviors. Flagship Pioneering is the same Boston biotech VC firm that founded Moderna. I interned in the computational chemistry team.
– Admitted to University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Honors program.
– Emergent Ventures grant recipient
– Computational Biology intern at Asimov, a synthetic biology company working towards a vision involving completely programmable and simulatable cells
– Computational Chemistry blog post published in the first International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) blog track

I’m currently interning at a Asimov, an a16z(Andreessen Horowitz)-backed synthetic biology company designing a platform to provide the correct cell lines and genetic constructs to effectively mass produce antibodies and viral capsids. As I explore synthetic biology, I continue to be interested in how we can think holistically about drug design by examining emergence and system-level biology. During the school year, I’m a student at the University of Michigan, where I’m exploring my curiosity by taking classes in computer science, biochemistry, abstract math, and literature/philosophy. By being recognized as a member of the Masason Foundation, I hope to continue to build relationships with other members of the community, broaden my interests, and meet students with the same sense of purpose and ambition.