Pavan Jayasinha

Pavan Jayasinha

2021 Was asked to be one of mentors for IBM’s Qiskit Global Summer School 2021, where I helped a portion of the 5000 participants succeed.
2021 Worked on a mentorship project under a researcher at Amazon Braket investigating financial applications of Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks.
2021 Was the only undergraduate selected to be a sole author for IBM Quantum’s quantum machine learning textbook and wrote the chapter on Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks.
2021 Researched quantum generative models at Harvard spun-out quantum software startup called Zapata Computing, as a research intern.
2022 Researched applications for neutral atom Quantum Computing, the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, as a research intern.
2022 Placed in the top 10 out of 750+ teams winning $2400 in AWS credits at Xanadu’s QHack 2022 for a project on quantum graph neural networks applied to physics. Also won the Young Scientist Award for the best undergrad project at QHack 2022.

Focused on building projects at the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning and am currently working on a project with a mentor at Google to integrate Nvidia GPU compatibility into Google’s quantum machine learning library called TensorFlow Quantum.
“By being a member of the Masason Foundation, I hope to mitigate friction faced in the coming years as I focus on incubating a real, deep, technical skill set across the fields of machine learning, quantum mechanics, computation, and mathematics. I value week-to-week progress and am unsure of where exactly I’ll be in 5 years, but am hungry to solve real technical problems.”