Seorus Jang

Seorus Jang

2018: Received the Science Category, Gakken Prize at the 54th Japan Children’s Talent Development Contest
2019: Received the Science Category, National Council of Prefectural Boards of Education Chairman’s Prize at the 55th Japan Children’s Talent Development Contest
2020: Received the Science Category, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize at the 56th Japan Children’s Talent Development Contest During the COVID-19 school shutdown, devised an inexpensive face shield that anyone could make and contributed the design to the prefectural government as well as made a how-to video for making the face shield, which was distributed through a newspaper company
2021: Received the Science Category, Foundation Science Prize at the 57th Japan Children’s Talent Development Contest 2021: Completed Stage 2 of the Kanazawa University “Junior Doctor ” Development Juku
2021: Sponsorship support by Yasuhisa Koki Bio Mechanics Co., Ltd. and Gutenberg Co., Ltd. commenced (3D printer development)
2022: Received First Prize in the Elementary School Children Category of the 62nd Natural Science Observation Contest (Shizecon)
2022: Selected for the ROHTO Foundation for Children’s Future ”Unleash 2021 Funding
2023: Received Honorable Mention in the Junior High School Category of the 63rd Natural Science Observation Contest
2023: Received the Award of Excellence in the Artificial Organ Idea Contest for 50 Years in the Future by the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs
2024: Received the Olympus Special Award in the Junior High School Category of the 64th Natural Science Observation Contest

My dream is to provide artificial hearts free of charge to heart disease patients in developing countries that cannot afford surgery. My area of research is biomedical engineering and biofunctional control. It is important in medical engineering field to consider life and research ethics. I strive daily to cultivate a broad education and perspective, aiming to use the knowledge I acquire to contribute to patients with heart disease.