Shaan Baig

Shaan Baig

2016 Selected as the finalist in Google Science Fair, Selected as the SHAD Fellow.
2017 Selected as Junior member at the New York Academy of Science
Awarded the Best overall student-athlete in high school
2019 Awarded ty award for outstanding originality at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
Selected as the plenary speaker at National Collegiate Research Conference (Harvard University)
Selected as Oral Presenter at the Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare
Awarded 2nd place at Sanofi Biogenius Canada
Selected as Team Canada presenter at Expo-Science International in Abu Dhabi.
2020 Selected as the Global Teen Leader by We Are Family Foundation,
Awarded the Young Scientist Award (best in fair) and first place at Taiwan International Science Fair,
Selected as the Top Talents under 25 in Management
Weizmann International Summer Science Institute Researcher.
2021 Selected as the AVENIR Personality of the Year Award by Forces AVENIR
Awarded the Best oral presentation at Waterloo Nanotechnology Conference
Awarded the best biological & medical physics oral presenter at the Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
Selected as the winner of Muslim Awards for Excellence in science
Talked at TEDxMcGill.
2022 Selected as the Provost Medal for Outstanding Achievement at Concordia University.

I am passionate about neuroscience and human longevity and have worked on projects which range from designing novel hockey helmets to prevent concussions to prostate cancer therapeutics to molecular probes for the early diagnosis/treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. I am currently pursuing graduate studies at the University of Oxford developing novel tools for imaging and intervention of neurodegenerative diseases. I hope to increase the average human lifespan and offset aging-related diseases as a member of the Masason Foundation through a start-up while exploring technologies such as AI and nanoparticles. Furthermore, I hope to continue improving the equity of STEM opportunities for youth around the world through my not-for-profit organization, Young Scientists & Innovators, where we train young people to solve the world’s most pressing issues using science.