Tien-Lan Sun

Tien-Lan Sun

– Student Researcher at the University of British Columbia Neuroscience of Vision and Action Laboratory

– Team Canada at International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), First Place in Translational Medicine
– Canada Weston Youth Innovation: Top 5 National Finalist and Panelist
– Sanofi Biogenius Canada Group Category: National 2nd Place
– European Union: Top 100 Civil Service Organizations in Indonesia
– Sigma Xi International Research Conference Presenter

– Acceptance to UC Berkeley M.E.T and University of Pennsylvania M&T (acceptance rates <1%) - Moonshot Platform Startup Awards (Top 6 of 1500+) - Atlas Fellowship (Global Top 100 Under 18) - Blue Origin Strategy Consulting to Jeff Bezos’ advisers 2023: - Z Fellow (Mentored by Netflix, Scale AI Founders) - Accepted to premier pre-seed Berkeley startup accelerator - Recognition and presentation to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (EduBeyond) - Samsung Solve for Tomorrow: 1st Place in Education Hello! I'm Tien-Lan Sun, an AI innovator and advocate for universally accessible quality education and healthcare. As a Masason Foundation Member, I’m building on my experience with TeleAEye, an AI eye disease diagnostic system, to EduBeyond, an AI startup transforming global education. At EduBeyond, I’m leading work to democratize education by personalizing learning experiences for students worldwide and automating non-instructional tasks, liberating teachers to focus on the irreplaceable human elements of teaching. Additionally, by leveraging technology to democratize access, I hope to give every learner the opportunity to engage in meaningful, high-quality education regardless of their location or socio-economic status. I’m excited to brainstorm and collaborate with other members to deploy their innovations on the EduBeyond platform to students across the globe.