Toe Kobayashi

Toe Kobayashi

2018 The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test ‘Association Award’
2019 Certified as a member of JAPAN MENSA,
Featured on the front page of the Asahi Shogakusei Shimbun for having done hair donation
2021 DigiCon6 JAPAN 2021 JAPAN Youth ‘Digitama Award’
EIKEN Grade Pre-1
Tech Kids Grand Prix 2021 Finalist, “LINE Award”
2022 Featured in the Asahi Shimbun
2022 Passed The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test up to Grade 2
2022 Won the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth SCAT (School and College Ability Test) Grand Honors Award
2023 First place in the Kanto Competition and finalist for the
2023 Gave a speech at the 85th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan IPSJ KIDS

I want to grow in an environment with friends who have high aspirations and can engage in friendly competition. Programming and 3D modelling are advancedin countries outside of Japan, so I want to learn overseas and take on challenges around the world. I dream of becoming a person who can contribute to society by fusing digital technology and people’s five senses to create unprecedented ‘mechanisms’ and ‘healing’. For example, if I were to digitally represent my favorite toro (fatty tuna), I would only have visual information, but I would like to eat ‘digital toro’, which can also be felt through the senses of taste and smell!