Vinaya Sharma

Vinaya Sharma

2020 Provincial Champion and International Qualifier at the DECA Ontario Provincial Competition
2020 Placed top 10 in Business Administration Core exam in DECA at International Career Development Conference (ICDC)
2021 Honourable mention in the Aspiration in Computing Challenge
2022 Ingenious+ Regional Winner issued by Rideau Hall Foundation in partnership with JA Canada for GeenieEats
2022 Placed top 2 at Odyssey Hackathon
2022 Won Best Overall and Best Prototype at TKS Explore Hackathon
2023 Ingenious+ Regional Winner issued by Rideau Hall Foundation in partnership with JA Canada for Triage.AI
2023 Spoke at South By South West, Pump+, and C2 Montreal to share my innovations in energy distribution
2023 RISE Global Finalist
2023 Nominated as a Villars Institute Fellow

Hi! I’m Vinaya, an avid AI and Blockchain developer with a passion for building applications aimed at making a social and environmental impact.
I’ve built several applications in the climate tech space such as working with Brampton Focus to develop TreeTrackers, a platform to count and monitor tree growth to help Canada reach its carbon sequestering goals, helping more than 200 students, schools and local members of parliament track their impacts. I then built GeenieEats a food marketplace to sell leftover meals from small businesses at reduced prices and won the Ingenious+ Regional award. More recently I’ve been focused on applying artificial intelligence to optimize energy distribution by building a virtualized view of the electric grid that’s being levered to create a prototyping platform to reduce the costs and time associated with the massive energy grid transformation underway. I’ve had the honour of being invited to present my prototyping platform PowerPlanner.AI at South By Southwest 2023, Pump+, and C2 Montreal 2023, and my AI models have gotten recognized by state-of-the-art AI model creators like Ultralytics.

I enjoy keeping up with the latest technological advancements and leveraging new innovative tools to see how I can give back to my community. This has led to me developing Triage.AI an AI-based dispatcher and robust management system to answer, assist, triage, and streamline 911 emergency calls ensuring calls are handled on time. And MoodSpace, an AI-powered Chrome extension to help you build good habits and reach your goals. Triage.AI won me the title of a two-time Ingenious+ regional award winner and helped me become a RISE Global Finalist, and MoodSpace has allowed me to help more than 300 users on their self-development journeys.