Tajimi Haru

Tajimi Haru

2021 Joined a short term study abroad program in Melbourne.
2022 National Programming Contest for Primary Students, Tokyo Excellence Award ( Title: Function Calculator)
2022 26th Junior Mathematical Olympiad Trial Competition (perfect score/national tie for 1st place)
2022 Research on The Second Kind of Euler Super Perfect Numbers under supervision of Dr. Shigeru Iidaka
2023 Passed Practical Mathematics Test Grade Pre-1, EIKEN Grade Pre-2
2023 Received Grand Prize for the SAPIX TEST
2023 Won the first prize over 10 times for the SAPIX MATH TEST 
2023 Won Jury Prize in LITALICO Wonder Make Fes 8
2023 Gold medal (perfect score) in the 32nd Sansu (Math) Olympic Final Competition

“Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the Universe.” ( Galileo Galilei) This is my favorite quote. Programming, the piano, the composition of matter and even Kanji (Chinese characters), which are all things I like, are connected with mathematics. Everything in this world is connected with mathematics. This is why I think mathematics is a dictionary for understanding the universe. I have decided to aim to add a new page of the “dictionary” with comrades who have the same aspiration around the world in the future..