Applications for this generation have been closed.
10th gen member application is planned to start after January 2026.
1. Objective
The Masason Foundation (referred to as “the Foundation” in these Application Instructions) aims to enable youth across the world to fully develop their skills and achieve their aspirations in any field. To that end, the Foundation provides facilities and opportunities for people who aspire to a specific academic major, research or business to be exposed to new values and technologies while interacting with others, as well as financial aid to help them fulfill their dreams. In this way, the Foundation’s goal is to offer various types of support to help those who will create the future spread their wings into the world.
2. Outline of support
The features of this support are as follows.
1. Authorized members and associate members (collectively referred to as “Members” in these Application Instructions) can use the exclusive facility operated by the Foundation at no cost. (See 5. Facility usage below for details)
2. Members may attend lectures and other events offered by the Foundation at no cost. (See 6. Event participation below for details)
3. Members may apply for support grants, if they wish, in accordance with the rules set by the Foundation. The grants will be provided after undergoing the Foundation’s review process. In principle, there is no obligation to repay the support grant. Support grant recipients may pursue any path. (See 7. Support grants below for details)
4. In addition, members may receive other types of support from the Foundation besides those described in (1) to (3) above to help fulfill their dreams.
3. Application Qualifications
(1) Application Qualifications
Applicants must be 25 years old or younger at the time of the application and fulfill one of the following criteria (1 to 5 below).
Qualified applicants who pass the selection by the Selection Committee will become members (in principle, associate members).
1. A person with excellent results in an international contest or nationwide contest in any field
2. A person with an internationally accepted qualification or a member of an internally accepted organization
3. A person with clearly exemplary achievements or results in scholarship or research activities
4. A person preparing to launch a business or who already has achievements in a personally operated business
5. A person who demonstrated an exemplary way of thinking in a paper screened by the foundation’s secretariat
(2) Period of validity for authorized/associate member certification
The associate member status is valid for one year from the date of certification, and upon expiration of the validity period, the foundation member will be considered for certification as an authorized member. Associate members who pass this selection will become authorized members. Associate members who fail this selection will lose their associate member status, but may apply for the authorized member selection again.
The period of validity (certification period) of an authorized member status is determined on a case-by-case basis after taking into account the completion date of the educational process in the year of enrollment, based on the date of certification as an associate member if the person was an associate member and became an authorized member, or the date of certification as an authorized member if the person was an authorized member without becoming an associate member*1.
If you are under 23 years of age*2 at the time of expiration of your authorized member status and wish to extend the validity period*3, you may do so after another screening*4.
If the first year of being certified as an authorized member coincides with the start of the final year of the educational program in which the person is enrolled, the selection process may be combined with the selection process to extend the period of validity.
*1 When an authorized member reaches the age of 29, during the first certification period, the validity period of the authorized member status expires at the end of the first fiscal year after that.
*2 The age may change in the future.
*3 If you reach the age of 24*2 during the extension period, the validity period will be considered to have expired at the end of the first certification period after that.
*4 A comprehensive review will be conducted by external experts based on the achievements after the authorized member certification. In addition to the above, we will check the results of the activities every year during the certification period.
4. Number of members
The Foundation will select 30 members (approximate number), and plans to select a suitable number each year from the next fiscal year on.
5. Facility usage
The Foundation operates a facility where members can get exposure to new values and technologies, and interact with other members. Members can use the equipment, books, gadgets, and other items in the facility at no cost.
This facility can also be used by members to hold events, study meetings, etc., with other members.
6. Event participation
The Foundation sometimes holds lectures by famous persons, other events to facilitate interaction between members, etc. Members may participate in these events at no cost.
Members may also attend member events, study meetings, etc., held by members in the Foundation’s facilities at no cost.
7. Support grants
The Foundation selects members who apply to receive support grants for tuition, research expenses, or other necessary expenses to fulfill their dreams.
(2)Number of recipients
All members who apply and pass the screening by the Foundation are able to receive support grants.
(3)Categories of eligibility
A. Scholarly support: Tuition, living expenses (including study-abroad expenses for people studying overseas)
B. Research support: Expenses and required living expenses for conducting research
C. Other support: Expenses determined by the Foundation as eligible for support
(4)Period and amount
The amount of support grant provided will be the amount recognized as reasonable for the eligible purpose. Support grant payment may be suspended or canceled if the member meets one of the reasons for suspension or cancellation. When receiving scholarly support, if the member enrolls in school in the fiscal year during which he or she was chosen as eligible to receive a support grant, the previously incurred expenses (tuition and living expenses) will be paid on the first payment date.
The support grant is paid to members on a specified day once every three months (deposited into a bank account under the member’s name).
(6)Suspension, etc.
Depending on the category of eligibility, the Foundation may suspend or cancel payment of the support grant, or in certain circumstances may ask for repayment of the amount already paid, if it determines that support grant payment to the member is not suitable.
8. Member selection process
(1) First round (January to March (plan))
The Foundation will select members after considering their intellect, business experience, and business accomplishments, and will select those whose future dreams and goals match with the Foundation’s objectives.
* If you believe you fulfill one of the requirements in 3. Eligibility (1) Eligibility for application 1 – 4, please submit an application according to your own assessment. If you are selected as a member, you will be asked to provide documentation.
* If you will submit a paper (as described in 3. Eligibility (1) for application 5), download the submission form as described in the Entry Confirmation email. Refer to the submission form for the instructions on submission.
(2) Second round (April (plan))
Only applicants who pass the First Round will proceed to an online interview, where their potential, personality, and character will be assessed.
Following this, a comprehensive evaluation of the applicant’s overall qualities and character will be conducted through a presentation and Q&A session with the applicant.
(3) Final round (May to June (plan))
The Selection Committee will evaluate the presentations.
(4) Certification (July)
Applicants who pass the Final Round will be certified as members.
9. Determination of members
(1)After judging by the Foundation’s Selection Committee, the president will select the members and notify them of their results.
(2)People selected as members must submit the following documents.
A. Resume
B. Copy of document verifying the member’s identity, such as student ID, certificate of enrollment/membership, driver’s license, certificate of residence, etc.
C. If the member applied as fulfilling a requirement in 3. Application Qualifications (1) Application Qualifications 1 – 4 above, a document that verifies this requirement
D. Other documents deemed necessary by the Foundation’s Secretariat
(3)The selection progress and reasons behind the decisions will not be officially announced.
10. Duties of members
Members must make utmost efforts to cooperate with the Foundation’s events and publicity activities. Members receiving support grants must submit activity reports. The following documents must be submitted if deemed necessary by the Foundation.
(1)Transcript of grades from the previous fiscal year
(2)Other documents deemed necessary by the Foundation
11. Reasons for support grant suspension or cancellation
(1) Reasons for suspension
A. Temporary absence from school, long-term absence of one month or longer without a legitimate reason
B. Guidance is deemed necessary due to schoolwork, character, conduct, or other circumstances
(2) Reasons for cancellation
A. Withdrawal from school
B. Completion is unlikely due to injury, illness, or other reasons
C. The member’s academic performance, character, or conduct have worsened
D. A reason for which the support grant is no longer needed has arisen
E. The member becomes disqualified as a support grant recipient
F. Any other circumstance that makes the member an unsuitable support grant recipient besides the above items
12. How to apply
(1) Fill in the necessary information on the specified page on the Foundation’s website
(2) Application Period: January 15 (Wed.) 10 a.m. to March 3 (Mon.) 2 p.m. 2025 JST