Sou Yamauchi

Sou Yamauchi

2018: Marked scores in the 99th percentile in Math, and in the 98th percentile in English in i-Ready assessments (US Common Core Standard); took the Grade 3 test at age 7
2019: Accepted to the U.C. Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program in the U.S.
2019: Marked a score more than three grade levels higher in Mathematical Literacy, Reading, Narrative Writing, Exposition Writing in the International Schools’ Assessment (ISA)
2022 Certificate of distinction, Mathematica (Math Contest)
2022 Awarded Alumni Association Award, Kyrle Symons Citizenship Cup, M.A.W Bridgman Memorial Award, and Slegg Bowl at my school

After developing an interest in space when I was three years old, my interest expanded to include chemistry, physics, history, the global environment and resource problems. Whenever I learn something new, new questions always pop up in my head; I gradually started thinking that everything must occur after being connected somewhere. More than anything else, I now enjoy finding those connections as I learn new things.

In the future, I would like to study aerospace engineering or environmental engineering at MIT or Caltech. The reason is that as I learn about the Earth’s past and the history of humankind, I feel that we cannot allow human civilization to end at this point. Therefore, I want to become an aerospace engineer, create a base on the moon, and solve today’s global challenges, such as those related to the environment, resource problems, population growth, and food problems, from the outside. But, in truth, I also think that the best thing would be for everyone to act with the environment and other people in mind so that we can create a sustainable, comfortable society here on Earth. In that case, I would like to be involved as an environmental engineer.