2018: Champion/ Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award
2018: Teens Apps Awards
2019: Developed an app related to alcohol consumption that is used by airlines
Fiscal Year 2021 Earned Super Creator status in the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) MITOU Program (Exploratory IT Human Resources Project)

I began studying computer algorithms after participating in a training program called “Creativity Cultivation School” in my second year of junior high. I was intrigued by algorithms that accelerate various types of calculations, and became passionate about learning about existing algorithms as well as creating new ones. I also started applying them to the apps I develop. In the future I want to provide new inspiration to many people through a way of thinking that is not bound by existing concepts. As a member of this Foundation, I hope to better myself so I can make contributions to many people.
I am currently learning about and researching mathematics at the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo. I am mainly working on integrable systems and combinatorics. I am also interested in applying these to other fields such as physics and informatics.