2017 Graduated from The University of Tokyo (Bachelor of Economics)
2018 Deans’ Award for Outstanding Achievement (Master’s student), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
2020 RIKEN Ohbu Award
Since 2019, I have been doing research on machine learning from theoretical perspectives as a Ph.D. student at the University of Tokyo and as a Junior Research Associate at RIKEN.

I studied business administration and econometrics at the University of Tokyo, and I have been working on developing novel machine learning methodology and principles as a Ph.D. student at the University of Tokyo in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences. When I was seventeen, I backpacked in Southeast Asian countries. Since then, this has been my unsolved formative experience. My current enthusiasm is in AI for Social Good, a collective effort to seek for effective use of high-potential information technology to achieve the social goodness.